In Jakarta!
18.35: Now we finally landed! The first thing that welcomed we was a sign reading "Welcome to Indonesia, drugtrafficing is punishable with death". That freaked me out, I mean, what if somebody had put drugs in my bag without me knowing? You really have to keep an eye on your stuff all the time! Then i had to go threw an immigrationcenter and show my passport, visa and immigrationpapers. Then where you pick up your bags one of the employees helped me find my bag and carrie the bags to the arrivalhall where Björn greeted me!
We went out to the parking-lot, and I was hit by a wave of 30 degrees celsius and hiiiigh humidity! We looked for Björns chauffeur, and got inside a nice cool car to drive home. There was a lot to take in at once, i just looked outside the window all the time and was fascinated by how different the culture is here!
While at home, Björn showed me my room and my own bathroom which is really big and nice! Basically, i Have a whole floor for myself ;D Tried to get a shower but it didnt work because some pump wasnt working, so i just washed my face, changed outfit and then we went to the south of Jakarta (Where all the rich people lives) to visit his friend who was having a pokernight. He lived in an AWESOME apartment that was sooo luxurious!
We began with a glas of champagne and the "gents" smoked cigars. Then we stepped outside on the balcony (Which had a spectacular view of the city) and the guys began playing poker. I ordered in some indonesian food because I was so hungry! It was fried rice with seafood and chickenkebabs. Really good,and the chili vas superhot!

Around 22.30 I went home, I was so tired! Its about 23.30 now and im going to bed soon, ive been up for 48 hours now without any real seep. Ill write more tomorrow, xoxo!
The flight to Jakarta
22.30: We've taken off now! Exciting, next time i step off the plane i will be in Jakarta! Frankfurt went terrific, I could easily find where to go, I even had to go on a skylift in the air to get to my terminal. And there stood the jumbo-jet kindly waiting with a huge line for the boarding. First when we got in to the plane I saw some really comfortable chairs and thought "WOW, are we gonna sit in those!?", but apparently they were for businessclass, so I had to sit in the small chairs. I sat in the middle in the middle row, with one neigbour in my left and two on my right. We each got a blancet and a pillow.

23.30: We got some snacks and 2 glasses of water. Cant wait for the real food!
00.20: Food! Asienchicken and a really sweet cookie! And ofcourse, a cup of tea ;) Talked with the neighbours on my right, they were really nice!

00.40: Took a baileys with my left neighbor and chitchatted a bit. Then I watched a movie in my iPod, but inly for an hour then I tried to get some sleep around 2.00
5.00: Woke up with some very restless legs! But my neghbour was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him, so I had to sit in my chair and try to stretch my legs and sleep. At one point we got some bad turbulens and it freaked me out! I just thought for myself how everybopdy at home would be sad when they found out I had died and so on..
7.30: My neighbor finally woke! So now I could get up and walk around a bit to try and get some bloodcirculation in my legs. I hope they will serve breakfeast soon, im starving!
8.00: Breakfeast! And we had some turbulens precisely when I was about toi begin eating, but it passed away so we could eat "safly"

9.50: We middlelanded in Singapore. I thought this was a directflight to Jakarta, but apparently not! At the way out each girl recieved a rose. I walked to my gate and waited for half an hour before i could board tje JumboJet again, and then we were off towards Jakarta! We got a croissant and a piece of chocolate on the way there. Very tasty!

The trip to Frankfurt
19.55: Hey again!
The plane has just lifted. We were 15 minutes delayed, but the captain said that it would only take 1 hour and 5 minutes, so i will make the next flight. I usually get an ache in my ears when lifting/landind, but tioday I don't feel anything! I hope we'll get some food soon, im getting hungry!
20.00: WE GOT FOOD!
Or well, food and food.. The sandwich wasnt that good with the worlds thickest cheeseslice in it, but the chocolate was tasty ;) Im sitting here wondering how things will go in Frankfurt, i really hope i can find everyhting easily! I only have on hour until the next plane lifts, so I cant afford getting lost..

18.15: Hello everybody!
Now ive finally found out the gate, its B5. Im sitting here waiting for the boarding, its 45 minutes left... I bought a blueberrymuffin to "have something to do", but it as so tasty that it didn't last long... Now im gonna reed a tabloid Malin gave me! Xoxo

At the airport
Hello blog!
17.14: Im sitting here at the airport and blogging, or, writing on word to be correct. Apparently it cots money to be on the internet.. :/
So far so good, nobody cried at the trainstation which was good, I had expected a crying-fest sort of! Then me and my dad took the train down to Copenhagen, and the ride there went good and surprisingly quick! When we arrived at the aiport we had to write out my boardingpass pourselves and choose seats at thre airport. Very smooth, everything was done in just a few minutes :)
It was the worlds longest que to the safety-control, but it went well! OI was nervous forst that I would beep and that while they searched me somevbosdy would take my laptop (apparwntly it has happened), but I never beeped so it went smoothly!
Now im just sitting and waiting for my gate-.number to show so I know where to go ;D My boardingpass is all the way to Jakrata so I don't have to go to a transfer-disk in Frankfurt. GOOD! At first it's a little plane to Frankfurt, but then im going on a jumbo-.jet with 12 seats in a row! Or, well ofc theres two hallways =)
Have to quit writing now and see if my gate has shown! xoxo

At the airport:

Asia, here I come!
Ive just flattened my hair and put some make-up on, so noe im just waiting for the flattening-iron to cool down before i can pack it down, and then im completely ready for my journey! around 11 ill eat lunch, and at 12 malin will come over to say goodbye and then everything will begin!
I'll write the schedule again:
12.20 - We pick up grandma, my brother and my mom
12.30 - We meet up with Dennie, Grandma, Anton and Matilda at the trainstation
13.00- My train leaves for Kastrp. My dad will follow me, i need some support in the beginning pf my trip, plus i want some help incase something goes wring at the check-in!
19.30 -> 21.00 - My plane goes to Frankfurt
22.00 -> 12.30 (next day) - My plane goes to Jakarta
When I have arrived i dont know if iI'll be able to blog directly. It will be 6pm there, plus i dont know if they have internet in their home. i really hope so, i dont want to sit at internet cafées all of the time! Anyways, I probably wont be home until 7pm or more, and then i have to unpack, take a shower and maybe we'll go out for dinner!
So we'll just have to see when i update next time! But even if i update right before i go to sleep, it will still only be afternoon here so it wont be such a long wait for you :)
Wish me good luck now!
Soon, I will MOVE!!
Since my last post ive done this:
- 15.00 My brother had to go to the hairdresser so I tagged along to say how i thought he should do.
- 15.30 One last coffee with the guys + Sofie
- 17.00 Went to the mall with dad and bought food for tomorrow, and then we went to the China restaurant and bought dinner!
- After dinner until now: I weigh my bags and had to repack and move some stuff to make the weights right. Spent the evening with my family and tried to be with them as much as ive could.
And noe im just sitting here, really nervous!
Tomorrows schedule:
12.20 - We pick up grandma, my brother and my mom
12.30 - We meet up with Dennie, Grandma, Anton and Matilda at the trainstation
13.00- My train leaves for Kastrp. My dad will follow me, i need some support in the beginning pf my trip, plus i want some help incase something goes wring at the check-in!
19.30 -> 21.00 - My plane goes to Frankfurt
22.00 -> 12.30 (next day) - My plane goes to Jakarta
The longest ive been away from my family is 2 weeks at a kanguafdetrip on Malta. Now im gonna be away for 3,5 months! And the longest ive ever flewn was for 3,5 hours, now im gonna fly for 14,5 hours! You understand why im nervous, right?

We had to re-pack

Making food for the trainride tomorrow!

Im moving tomorrow
Good morning all of my readers! God morgon alla mina läsare!
Im up early today.. my mom woke me up at 7.30 and asked if i could give her and my brother a ride since my dad has been ill all night. And as the good daughter i am, i said i could ;D Its better anyways, noe i have the car at home so i can do some arrends later!
Right now im eating on a yummy breakfeast and im gonna watch one of my favourite tvshows. I forgot to mention last night that spetember is HEAVEN for me, ALL of my series i follow are premiering this month! Yesterday i watched One Tree Hill, and it was absolutely wonderful, and Prison Break. OMG i was so happy when i watched PB, it worked out perfectly.
Im gonna see episode2 now before i begin with everything that has to be done. Cant postpone anything anymore, this is the last day before i move! its uuuunbelievable! Im really moving from ROnneby, to another part of the world!
Im beginning to get split feelings. One part of me is thinking "daaaamn this is going to be sooo fun!" whereas on part of me is thinking "noooooo, i dont want to do this alone, what have i gotten myself in to!?"
But itll probably work out, hope you all have a wonderful day! xoxo
Final touch
This whole afternoon/evening ive just been fixing the last stuff, clearing out some vlothes and shores and cleaned the whole basement! Im gonna deal with the absolutely last after Ive updated this post!
Im sorry thatIve been so boring this last few days, but its alot of preperations before a move, so i hope you'll understand? It will be awesome once im there! Imagine what funny posts ill be able to write :) And ive planned for alot of contests aswell. EXCITING!
2 days left
Im feeling top notch today ;D Or, really im deadtired, but im happy because im soon going top move!! :) Plus ive done a lot of arrends today, so i feel like a good girl ;D
- The day begun with me waking up at 7
- I drove my mother and father to work, and my brother to school
- Went to school to talk with a history- and swedishteacher. Im retaking those classes, I want an A instead of a B!
- Around 9.30 I drove to a mall and bought some bread and then drove home to Matilda and ate breakfeast with her! Then I drove her to school.
- Did some arrends in town at Breze and a souvenirshop where i bought a present to give to my uncle in Indonesia!
- Picked up my mum and dad, and then bought us some lunch :)

Todays plans are to fix the last things for my trip, and then clean my whole room and the room outside! We'll see how much blogging it will be, probably later tonight! xoxo
Been packing all day long
Now im basically done! The only things that are missing are stuff i can't put in until the last day, such as make-up, flattening iron, toothbrush etc! Npe i have to -sadly- already go to bed! Im getting up early tomorrow to fix some things in school and then buy some breakfeast and drive to Matilda for some morning hangout before she begins school! I hope i have more time to update tomorrow :) xoxo!

Ive taken a pause from my packing now! Watched Silent Witness on tv, and now im gonna put in some mivied on mi iPod! Need something to do on the plane :) Plus Matilda gave me a bunch of cd's she had in bulgaira, so ill see if i can find anything good on them ;)
Then tomorrow ill have to go threw my suitcase and take away stuff i probably wont need that much. But is so hard to prioritize clothes... you never know when youll need something! Especially when ive never been to a country with this type of climate before!
Ah well, it will work out :) Im beggining to get some nervousness before my journey! I was wondering when it would come! Im starting to realixe that it will be kinda hard to leave everybody! Well, its not like i'm gonna move forever, but it will be the longest ive been away from friends and family!
I have to sleep now, im really tired! Sleep well, xoxo