In Jakarta!
18.35: Now we finally landed! The first thing that welcomed we was a sign reading "Welcome to Indonesia, drugtrafficing is punishable with death". That freaked me out, I mean, what if somebody had put drugs in my bag without me knowing? You really have to keep an eye on your stuff all the time! Then i had to go threw an immigrationcenter and show my passport, visa and immigrationpapers. Then where you pick up your bags one of the employees helped me find my bag and carrie the bags to the arrivalhall where Björn greeted me!
We went out to the parking-lot, and I was hit by a wave of 30 degrees celsius and hiiiigh humidity! We looked for Björns chauffeur, and got inside a nice cool car to drive home. There was a lot to take in at once, i just looked outside the window all the time and was fascinated by how different the culture is here!
While at home, Björn showed me my room and my own bathroom which is really big and nice! Basically, i Have a whole floor for myself ;D Tried to get a shower but it didnt work because some pump wasnt working, so i just washed my face, changed outfit and then we went to the south of Jakarta (Where all the rich people lives) to visit his friend who was having a pokernight. He lived in an AWESOME apartment that was sooo luxurious!
We began with a glas of champagne and the "gents" smoked cigars. Then we stepped outside on the balcony (Which had a spectacular view of the city) and the guys began playing poker. I ordered in some indonesian food because I was so hungry! It was fried rice with seafood and chickenkebabs. Really good,and the chili vas superhot!

Around 22.30 I went home, I was so tired! Its about 23.30 now and im going to bed soon, ive been up for 48 hours now without any real seep. Ill write more tomorrow, xoxo!