The trip to Frankfurt
19.55: Hey again!
The plane has just lifted. We were 15 minutes delayed, but the captain said that it would only take 1 hour and 5 minutes, so i will make the next flight. I usually get an ache in my ears when lifting/landind, but tioday I don't feel anything! I hope we'll get some food soon, im getting hungry!
Haha, i ALWAYS manage to sit by the wing when I fly. Even though i chose my own seat i managed to pick the one by the wing xD
20.00: WE GOT FOOD!
Or well, food and food.. The sandwich wasnt that good with the worlds thickest cheeseslice in it, but the chocolate was tasty ;) Im sitting here wondering how things will go in Frankfurt, i really hope i can find everyhting easily! I only have on hour until the next plane lifts, so I cant afford getting lost..
