The flight to Jakarta
22.30: We've taken off now! Exciting, next time i step off the plane i will be in Jakarta! Frankfurt went terrific, I could easily find where to go, I even had to go on a skylift in the air to get to my terminal. And there stood the jumbo-jet kindly waiting with a huge line for the boarding. First when we got in to the plane I saw some really comfortable chairs and thought "WOW, are we gonna sit in those!?", but apparently they were for businessclass, so I had to sit in the small chairs. I sat in the middle in the middle row, with one neigbour in my left and two on my right. We each got a blancet and a pillow.

23.30: We got some snacks and 2 glasses of water. Cant wait for the real food!
00.20: Food! Asienchicken and a really sweet cookie! And ofcourse, a cup of tea ;) Talked with the neighbours on my right, they were really nice!

00.40: Took a baileys with my left neighbor and chitchatted a bit. Then I watched a movie in my iPod, but inly for an hour then I tried to get some sleep around 2.00
5.00: Woke up with some very restless legs! But my neghbour was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him, so I had to sit in my chair and try to stretch my legs and sleep. At one point we got some bad turbulens and it freaked me out! I just thought for myself how everybopdy at home would be sad when they found out I had died and so on..
7.30: My neighbor finally woke! So now I could get up and walk around a bit to try and get some bloodcirculation in my legs. I hope they will serve breakfeast soon, im starving!
8.00: Breakfeast! And we had some turbulens precisely when I was about toi begin eating, but it passed away so we could eat "safly"

9.50: We middlelanded in Singapore. I thought this was a directflight to Jakarta, but apparently not! At the way out each girl recieved a rose. I walked to my gate and waited for half an hour before i could board tje JumboJet again, and then we were off towards Jakarta! We got a croissant and a piece of chocolate on the way there. Very tasty!