09 sep,2008 @ 13:55
Hello again! :)
After the gym, me Bjron and Sunny went to a Taiwanese restaurant to eat! Really good food, but I had to give up eating with chopsticks. Had to ask for a fork (a) After that I ordered in an awesome fruitsmoothie, I think it was apple and mint, but im not sure =)
Then we went up to the second floor and sat down inside a jazzclub. I ordered in a Piña-colada, and we sat there talking about finance in thw world. Hahaha, felt so typical overcalss. Sitting in a jazz club, drinking and talking about finance. The only thing missing was a cigar in my mouth, hahah! But it was nice :)

Then we went home to a couple that is Bjorns friends. They had a really nice house, and a vary cute dog. We sat there watching the VMA's (perfect, I thought I would miss it but I began looking right before TH got their price!) and we talked about going a big gang to a karaokeclub! I hope we'll do that soon, im in the mood for singing :)
Now im sitting at home, and its around 00.30. Had to write this post in word, internet doesn't seem to work :S Ah well, im gonna try and catch some sleep! xoxo