Karaokeclub, finally!
11 sep,2008 @ 20:38
Hey everybody!
Been a while since my last post, but ive been doing a lot theese past few hours!
Me and Bjorn went to the mall Senayan City and went downstairs to a karaoke-club. So you rent a room (there are different sizes) and then you sing! I guess you are supposed to be a big gang and rent a big room and sing, but I took the smallest room and sang for 2 hours.J
It went great. At first my voicewas weak and my throat was filled with phlem, but after an hour my voice was normal! Plus the microphones has a reverb effect so you sound awesome!
The room was nicely decorated with mirrors on all the walls and in the ceiling. In the sofa is my nice, big, MiuMiu-bag!
