Wii and karaoke-singing!
What a wonderful night I've had!
It has really been awesome, thank you all! Matilda came home to me around 9, and then i packed down my laptop, the chocolatecake, my microphone and my camera and we drove to Dennie!
At first we waited a while for AddeJ to come with thw Wii, så we ate my chocolate cake, which everybody loved! ( But why expect any less, I mean, i made it? hahah!) We also listened to music and made nice blloon-shapes!

Then Adde finally came, and we began playing! It was awesome! First we shot arrows, and then we swam! Something i noticed today is that when i concentrate really hard i always stick my tung out a little! hahah, dont know why, but i hope its cute!

Then at 11 i had to drive Matilda home! She has school tomorrow, unlike us graduates ;) Then when I came back, we decided to start with the karaoke! Tried to connect my laptop to Dennies tv, but it didnt work :/ So we had to sit by Dennies computor and sing! We used the great page kalled Karaokeparty.com. Its really good, and a perfect thing for example a party! Imagine how much fun you will have when everybody is a little tipsy!
FIrst it was only me, Anton och Emil who sang and competed against eachother with the scores. Then we managed to get Gustav to sing some songs aswell! But then we lost emil who began playing the Wii again, and eventually Anton played Wii to! So basically I stood there myself and sang for 2 hours! But i didnnät mind, I had the time of my life :) Everybody went home around 02.00, exept for me and Anton who stayed a bitlonger because I wanted to sing some more! They both conplemented me a lot, and said I sang really well :) The insane thing was, that i wasnät even embarresed to sing all by myself infrnt of them! I liked the attention!
Or, actually, the most insane thing was that i sang with a really bad cold! My throat was really soar, but I still managed to get all the tunes out! But ill probably have pain tomorrow... Ive had a big boost in my singing-confoence now! I also got the nights highest score! Almost 8000 points with Celine Dions "My heart will go on"

It has really been awesome, thank you all! Matilda came home to me around 9, and then i packed down my laptop, the chocolatecake, my microphone and my camera and we drove to Dennie!
At first we waited a while for AddeJ to come with thw Wii, så we ate my chocolate cake, which everybody loved! ( But why expect any less, I mean, i made it? hahah!) We also listened to music and made nice blloon-shapes!

Then Adde finally came, and we began playing! It was awesome! First we shot arrows, and then we swam! Something i noticed today is that when i concentrate really hard i always stick my tung out a little! hahah, dont know why, but i hope its cute!

Then at 11 i had to drive Matilda home! She has school tomorrow, unlike us graduates ;) Then when I came back, we decided to start with the karaoke! Tried to connect my laptop to Dennies tv, but it didnt work :/ So we had to sit by Dennies computor and sing! We used the great page kalled Karaokeparty.com. Its really good, and a perfect thing for example a party! Imagine how much fun you will have when everybody is a little tipsy!
FIrst it was only me, Anton och Emil who sang and competed against eachother with the scores. Then we managed to get Gustav to sing some songs aswell! But then we lost emil who began playing the Wii again, and eventually Anton played Wii to! So basically I stood there myself and sang for 2 hours! But i didnnät mind, I had the time of my life :) Everybody went home around 02.00, exept for me and Anton who stayed a bitlonger because I wanted to sing some more! They both conplemented me a lot, and said I sang really well :) The insane thing was, that i wasnät even embarresed to sing all by myself infrnt of them! I liked the attention!
Or, actually, the most insane thing was that i sang with a really bad cold! My throat was really soar, but I still managed to get all the tunes out! But ill probably have pain tomorrow... Ive had a big boost in my singing-confoence now! I also got the nights highest score! Almost 8000 points with Celine Dions "My heart will go on"

You want to know the best part? Anton recorded me when I sang Whitney Houstons "I will always love you", and it sounden well enough for me to dare and post it here on my blog!! :)